NorthGate College’s enrollment fees are TT$6,500 per term or TT$19,500 per year.
This flat fee is inclusive of:
- Tuition
- Security fee
- Student Support Services
- Capital fee [replacement and refurbishment of plant and equipment]
- Maintenance of campus wide WIFI and student emails
- Lab Fees [Supplies for Science equipment]
- Visual Arts materials [standard in-class material to be supplied at school]
Additional Fees
Additional compulsory annual fees can be calculated by referring to the rubric below:
Annual Fees
Category | Form 1 | Form 2 | Form 3 | Form 4 | Form 5 |
Physical Education ($250.00 Term 3) | Yes | Yes |
NB: There are several extra curricula activities that are offered at NorthGate College. Whilst many of these are offered at no cost to the students, those that do require additional subscriptions/payment are NOT covered by the termly fees.
Payment Method
All Compulsory Fees are to be made payable by Bank Draft or Wire Transfer. No personal cheques will be accepted.